Learn. Share. Love. Grow.

Orchard Kinder

Preschool & Childcare

About Us

Finding childcare in Japan is very complicated

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I'm a father of three, fluent in Japanese, English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. When my wife decided to return to work, I started searching for a daycare for our children. It seemed impossible to enroll all three in the same center. The nurseries available didn't differ much from one another, often felt cramped, and appeared poorly managed. Conveniently located daycares were always full, leaving me struggling to find a place I could trust with my children. This experience introduced me firsthand to the shortage of childcare options and issues with the quality of care.

Having been raised in a bilingual environment, I explored preschools and international schools in Yokohama. However, I found these options to be cost-ineffective and primarily focused on English-only education.

I believe mastering Japanese is essential for living in Japan, along with learning about Japanese culture to integrate into society. Thus, I felt English education alone was insufficient.

However, I couldn't find a school that offered both Japanese and English. Realizing I couldn't provide an ideal environment where I felt confident leaving my children, I decided to establish a preschool that would teach both languages as I had envisioned.

The Origin of Orchard Kinder's Name

Orchard Kinder means "seedlings in an orchard". Just as even the most delicate saplings can grow and flourish with proper care, we hope to nurture each child's potential.

The Importance of Early Childhood Education

Recent research indicates that bilingual children show enhanced cognitive development, increased focus, and quicker adaptability in thinking. Moreover, early childhood (ages 0-5) is the prime time for acquiring a second language, making early foreign language learning highly recommended.

Children who receive early education from ages 1 to 3 are less likely to drop out of school, exhibit richer social skills, and achieve higher academic performance.

Inspired by these insights, I aimed to establish a nursery that offers bilingual education in Japanese and English from a young age. Bilingual education not only improves language skills but also enhances overall abilities, flexible thinking, and superior communication skills.

Children equipped with these skills will contribute to creating a better world in the future. My wish is to nurture many children and expand their possibilities.

Orchard Kinder was named with the hope that, with much care and love, it would grow into a strong and fruitful tree, blossoming and bearing fruit.

What Sparked My Interest in Early Childhood Education

It all started with a book my father gave to my eldest son, who was then under one year old. It was a Chinese picture book, meant more for children aged 4-5. My son was always fascinated by it, looking at it intently and reading along. When I tried teaching him the words from the book, he joyfully mimicked them, eventually speaking accurately.

Although we were living in an English-speaking environment due to my overseas work, my son responded to both Japanese and Chinese, as well as English commands.

This experience deepened my interest in early childhood education and the brain's mechanisms, leading me to research various books and studies.

What I learned was that talent needs to be nurtured, and innate talent without cultivation is meaningless. Education plays a crucial role for children.

If we compare investments and returns in life, investing in university education brings one of the lowest returns, while investing in early childhood yields the highest returns.

Orchard Kinder's Philosophy

Being smart doesn't necessarily mean one will lead a successful life. Educationalist Sir Ken Robinson said, "The current education system kills children's creativity, producing only good workers." This is intriguing and something I largely agree with.

Laozi once said, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Isn't education similar?

"It's not just about providing knowledge, but teaching how to acquire it."

This is our approach.

  • We nurture children's brains through early social experiences and English education.
  • We foster a love for learning, encouraging a proactive attitude towards it.
  • We cultivate independence, valuing both cooperation and individuality.

These philosophies are the foundation upon which Orchard Kinder was established.


  • Admission Guide

    Regarding information on the admission process and enrollment.

  • Tour Booking

    Guide on applying for a facility tour, including available dates and times for visits.

  • Photo Gallery

    Step into our world and experience the vibrant environment and daily adventures of our preschool.

  • Testimonials

    Feedback and evaluations from the parents of children attending our kindergarten.

  • Activities

    Introduction of various activities and schedules of the kindergarten.

  • Philosophy

    Details about our kindergarten's educational philosophy and initiatives.

  • Daily Program

    Annual events and daily activity plans.

  • Infant Brain

    Introduction of the importance of brain development and learning during early childhood.

  • Recruit

    Details about job openings, application qualifications, and other recruitment-related information.